Ackee s.r.o.

OBBOD Android TV

Movies and Series on Demand

Netflix, VOYO, HBO GO – videos on demand are more and more common and sought after. Czech streaming service OBBOD offers audiovisual entertainment literally anywhere, anytime and on any device – and with that last one also our Android team had a chance to help.

Our solution

We have started from the current application and included an interface for Android TV. The app therefore offers most of the functionality available on mobile phones on a television – for example evaluate or filter shows, save them among favorites, log in through Facebook and more.

Main benefit

The client with Android TV module in the current application has been offered a completely new distribution channel for their content. The app is now available to thousands of possible customers with smart TVs with Android TV, whose numbers have recently been climbing.

Scope of delivery

Until now we have maintained mobile applications for OBBOD (Android and Apple) which were originally done by another provider. Our new task was to modify the Android app to make it possible to stream content through televisions with operation system Android TV as well.

Technology used

We have written it in the same way as the rest of the application, so we used Java. For a trouble-free design and comfortable user experience we have used the Leanback library directly from Google which we have enhanced with our own controls.

Contact us


[email protected]

Karolinská 650/1

186 00, Prague 8

Czech Republic

ID no.: 24240826

Tax ID: CZ24240826

Bank account: 2600280340/2010



[email protected]

The Drivery, Mariendorfer Damm 1

12099 Berlin-Tempelhof



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